Contestant eleven: Mia Lakewood
Traits:Brave, Family Orientated, Frugal,Friendly, Good
Ltw:World renowed surgeon
Favourite colour: Orange
Favourite food: Peanit butter and jelly sandwhich
Favourite music: Pop
Additional Notes: n/a
Contestant twelve: Lilia Rock
Traits: Virtuoso,Bookworm,Artistic,Athletic,Kleptomatic
Ltw:Master of the arts
Favourite colour: White
Favourite food: Lobster thermidore
Favourite music: Classical
Additional notes: Lilia got bullied as a kid for her size and she is determined to make a good name for herself by winning the bachelor
Contestant Thirteen: Nellie Hemmingway
Traits:Loner,Neurotic,Disciplined,natural cook,Light sleeper
Ltw:Physical Perfection
Favourite colour: Spiceberry
Favourite food: Key Lime Pie
Favourite music: Electronica
Additional notes: You will find out nellie's secret later ;)
Contestant Fourteen: Olive Lucifer
Traits: Dramatic,Hopless Romantic, Eccentric,Artistic,Heavy Sleeper
Ltw:Paranormal profiteer
Favourite colour: Pink
Favourite food: Lobster Thermidore
favourite music: Classical
Additonal notes: Olive was the queen bee in high school! everyone loved her quirky hair colour but when she grew up she became depressed and food was her comfort.
Contestant fifteen: Katy Logans
Traits: Family orintated,Eco Friendly, Lucky, Friendly, Computer Whiz
Ltw:Leader of the free world
Favourite colour: Lime
Favourite food: Falafel
Favourite music: Pop
Additional notes: Katy Logans is a divorced mother of two. In a nasty court battle she lost the custody of her childeren. She hopes that the bachelor will get her life back on track
Yay!! All three houses have now been introduced!! Hopefully sometime tonight the bachelor will be introduced and then within the next week the very first round will be up! I am basing my competition on the rules and another sims 3 bachelor challenge i have read and loved!! I will put up a links tab where i will post other awesome sims blogs!!
lots of love
Hayley x
OMG for some reason lilia looks like adele